Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China

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This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and to celebrate, we have created a series of illustrations comparing New China's journey to the growth of a mighty tree. Over the decades, this tree has witnessed countless important milestones, symbolizing the nation's resilience and progress.

Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China

In 1949, as the first seeds of New China were planted, a group of villagers gathered around a small sapling to celebrate the birth of the nation. Children played under its branches, and a farmer watered the sapling, a fitting image for hope for a brighter future.

As the years passed, the tree grew, witnessing pivotal moments that shaped the country: the success of the launch of China's first satellite in 1970, the resumption of university entrance exams in 1977 and the reforms and opening-up since 1978 that opened the door to prosperity. The scientific advancements and social transformations were the leaves and branches of this tree that fortified the nation.

By the 1990s, the tree had become strong and robust, its branches wide and welcoming. As modern appliances like televisions and refrigerators became household staples, and skyscrapers rose on the horizon, the tree stood firm, watching over China's continued development. The return of Hong Kong to the motherland in 1997 greatly revitalized the nation.

As the tree grew, so did the strength of the nation. China's entry into the World Trade Organization in 2001 reflected its integration into the global economy. The Beijing Olympics in 2008 were a moment of national pride, driving worldwide attention to the country's achievements, while at home, infrastructure and technology boomed. The tree's growth paralleled China's urbanization, as cranes dotted the horizon and new buildings rose across the country.

In the 2010s, the tree grew even taller, surrounded by more trees, symbolizing China's increasing focus on environmental sustainability. Green policy ensured that the tree, like China itself, would continue to grow and flourish. The Belt and Road Initiative brought new global partnerships, further expanding the country's influence across borders.

As the tree's branches housed birds and squirrels, the nation reached new heights of prosperity. By 2020, China had eradicated absolute poverty, a landmark achievement that benefited millions. Fast growing numbers of electric vehicles run on the road and the C919 airplane flies overhead, marking China's cutting-edge technology and dedication to sustainability. The nation's digital transformation and innovation further energized the country, adding new vibrancy to the tree's branches.

Today, the tree stands tall, deeply rooted in the rich soil of its history, growing ever stronger. As China continues to innovate and thrive, its people — like the branches and leaves — move forward with strength and unity, shaping a hopeful future. Like this enduring tree, New China's journey of 75 years showcases its resilience, growth and unwavering progress toward an even brighter tomorrow.